Investigation Report

Location: Willow Springs, California
Date: Feb 2007
Weather Conditions: Clear
Humidity: 10%
Geomagnetic Storm Activity: Unsettled
Temperature: 38 to 64
Number of Photos taken: 1002
Number with possible targets: 3
Average EM Readings: 4nt @ 14Hz, 5nt @ 12Hz, 8nt @ 18Hz
Average M fields Readings: 1nt
Average E Field Readings: 1vpm
Cold Spots detected: None
Hot Spots Detected: None
Olfactory Phenomena: None
Visual Phenomena: None
Type of Investigation: Ghost Hunt, Film Project

All information and photos Copyright 2006 by Cody Polston, Bob Carter and SGHA. All Rights Reserved.

Location Description and History

Willow Springs was once a stage stop until purchased by Ezra Hamilton. His intentions were to have sufficient water to run the mill for his Tropico gold mine, but the tranquil location proved to be a good site for a resort.

In 1904, Hamilton spent $40,000 to build what was eventually 27 stone buildings including houses, a hotel, a school and even a swimming pool. The resort continued until the post office closed in 1918. Today some of the buildings are still occupied.

Many of the buildings are in poor condition and the town cemetery is heavily vandalized..

This investigation was filmed for a TV pilot. We worked with Chris Fleming (Dead Famous) to determine if there was actually any paranormal activity here or not.

Reported Phenomena

The Investigation

During our investigation of the town we searched the majority of the buildings and cemetery. However the two "active" areas seemed to be the saloon and old hotel. The saloon has just been remodeled while the hotel is almost in ruin but still under roof.

In both of these areas we measured EM fields and obtained photographs with oddities in them. The saloon photos were taken in the afternoon and the hotel photos were taken in the evening.

We also obtained some interesting ion measurements and possible EVP's in the oldest structure on site, called the underground by the locals.


Click on the thumbnails to view the larger image


Initial Conclusions

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

Three interesting photographs were taken during this investigation. Image analysis has been performed on the first two photos and can be viewed by clicking on the thumbnails above. Photo 3 does not contain enough data to accurately calculate enough information to make a proper analysis.

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