Types Defined
An older article by SGHA to define the different
types of phenomena for investigative purposes. Lots of obsolete information in here but still useful in many ways.
Human fear plays a large role and ghost
sightings and the experiences. This is a short article describing the effect this has on hauntings and the people that may experience
them. |
of the most persistent and entertaining types of ghost stories
you might encounter. a good article when you are searching for the common legends that are often mistaken as hauntings.
and Hoaxes
On many occasions, THE WORLD has been able
to expose the fraudulent practices of so-called spirit mediums
and turn the bright light of careful investigation upon the secret methods of these social vampires
and ghost hunting
Pseudoscience is ingrained in ghost hunting and paranormal research.
This article discusses the pitfalls to provide an understanding
on how to overcome them.
evolution of ghosts, building myths
Sometimes the human tenancy to build myths embellishes a haunted
location, distorting the facts in the process. For a ghost hunter
this becomes a problem because a great deal of the reported phenomena,
or how that phenomena is perceived, is built off of the local
myth. This article address this particular problem.
a digital camera for IR or UV enhancement
One of the major principles of "ghost photography" is
that the energy of a "ghost" is not seen in visible light,
but lies instead in the invisible worlds of infrared (IR) and the
ultraviolet (UV) spectrums. This article describes how to enhance
the IR or UV capabilities of a digital camera.
First Ghost Hunters
Harry Price was one of the most influential
figures in the
formative years of ghost research. He was a charismatic person whose energy and enthusiasm for the paranormal made him the first well known ghost hunter.
There are many amateur paranormal investigative
groups out there who will use a variety of means to make themselves
appear more creditable than they actually are. This
article describes several of the common ways that some groups try to gain creditability through association.
stories that have similar elements to other ghost stories.
A handy key to aid in determining the validity of a haunting.
Several of the most famous hauntings recorded
in ghost hunter history.
A short article on the origins of "ectoplasm"
and how ghost hunters use the term today.
a digital camera for IR or UV enhancement
One of the major principles of "ghost photography" is
that the energy of a "ghost" is not seen in visible light,
but lies instead in the invisible worlds of infrared (IR) and the
ultraviolet (UV) spectrums. This article describes how to enhance
the IR or UV capabilities of a digital camera.
Digital Photographs, Getting the data
Images taken by high resolution digital cameras contain huge amounts
of information. This article describes techniques that can be used
to analyze these photographs and get the data that is hidden away
inside them.
The truth about ghost hunting
(sorting the hobbyists from the amateur researchers)
The focus of this article is to help you determine the differences between ghost hunting as a hobby and ghost hunting as amatuer research.