Applied Science: Occam’s Razor (also spelled Ockham’s Razor)

The most important thing for a scientific ghost hunter to know is the science behind what he or she is doing. Anyone who has studied physics knows how daunting it is to learn the philosophical and mathematical formulas needed to fully comprehend, express, and apply natural laws. Occam’s razor is a principle attributed to the 14th-century … Read moreApplied Science: Occam’s Razor (also spelled Ockham’s Razor)

Applied Science: Occam’s Razor (also spelled Ockham’s Razor)

  The most important thing for a scientific ghost hunter to know is the science behind what he or she is doing. Anyone who has studied physics knows how daunting it is to learn the philosophical and mathematical formulas needed to fully comprehend, express, and apply natural laws.  Occam’s razor is a principle attributed to … Read moreApplied Science: Occam’s Razor (also spelled Ockham’s Razor)

Applied Science: Law of Extrema

Simply put, the Law of Extrema states that all natural processes act to extremize (maximize or minimize) a physical quantity. An especially important instance of this is the principle that all systems, by themselves, tend toward a state of minimum energy. This explains many phenomena in nature including the deaths of all organisms as well … Read moreApplied Science: Law of Extrema

Applied Science: The Principles of Universality and Causality

  The Principle of Universality says that all laws of nature must work the same way everywhere. That is, the laws are objective; it doesn't matter who does the experiment or where, the same results should be produced under the same conditions. In paranormal studies it means that if ghosts exist they are bound under … Read moreApplied Science: The Principles of Universality and Causality

Ghost hunt, investigation of the Red Garter Bed and Bakery, Williams , AZ

The building that houses the Red Garter has been standing for more than a century serving as a saloon, a bordello, a rooming house, a general store, and more. Is it haunted by a ghost named Eva? To view our report, click the link below.

94 Rock Ghost Hunt, Big Nose Kate’s Saloon, Part 1

In 2009, Cody finally talked 94 Rock into leaving New Mexico and going to Tombstone, AZ. This is the first installment from Big nose Kate’s saloon. [cpm-player skin=”bar-skin” width=”100%” playlist=”true” type=”video”] [cpm-item file=”″]Big-Nose-Kates-Part-1[/cpm-item] [/cpm-player]

94 Rock Ghost Hunt, O.K. Corral

In 2009, Cody finally talked 94 Rock into leaving New Mexico and going to Tombstone, AZ. This is the installment from the O.K. Corral. [cpm-player skin=”ball-skin” width=”100%” playlist=”true” type=”video”] [cpm-item file=”″]94-Rock-OK-Corral-2009[/cpm-item] [/cpm-player]