A Confederate Ghost in Old Town Albuquerque?

The reported phenomenon consists of an apparition that wears a long gray coat riding on horseback. The sounds of the phantom horse are reported to be heard as well. The Ghost Tour of Old Town calls this specter "Sarge". SGHA investigates to get to the bottom of the mystery. To view our report, click the … Read moreA Confederate Ghost in Old Town Albuquerque?

Rio Grande Gorge Bridge, Investigation Report

Built in 1965, it was called the "Bridge to Nowhere," as there was not enough funding to continue the road from the other side. At 650 feet above the Rio Grande and 1200 feet across, it is the second highest suspension bridge in the United States. Locals in the area say that the bridge is … Read moreRio Grande Gorge Bridge, Investigation Report

A multiphase study to find an effective method to evaluate electromagnetic field (EMF) sensitivity of people that have experienced paranormal

Abstract A multiphase study was performed to find an effective method to evaluate electromagnetic field (EMF) sensitivity of people that have experienced paranormal events. The first phase developed criteria for controlled testing using an environment low in particulate and EMF pollution. Monitoring devices were used to ensure that extraneous EMF would not interfere with the … Read moreA multiphase study to find an effective method to evaluate electromagnetic field (EMF) sensitivity of people that have experienced paranormal

Ghost hunt/ investigation of the Monte Vista Hotel, Flagstaff , AZ

This hotel certainly has a variety of ghosts, all stubbornly refusing to check out.  You can also have a great time listening to live music in the haunted cocktail lounge which is the only place to see actual "spirits". When the "haunted" history turns out to be inaccurate, what is left? To view our report, … Read moreGhost hunt/ investigation of the Monte Vista Hotel, Flagstaff , AZ

Quarai Mission, Investigation Report

Like Abó and Las Humanas, red walled Quarai was a thriving pueblo when Oñate first approached it in 1598 to "accept" its oath of allegiance to Spain. Three of Quarai's Spanish priests were head of the New Mexico Inquisition during the 1600s, including Fray Estevan de Perea, Custodian of the Franciscan order in the Salinas … Read moreQuarai Mission, Investigation Report

Abo Mission, Investigation Report

Abo State Monument. Ruins left by former tompiros division of the Pito Indians, on Arroyo Empedradillo. First mentioned in 1598 by Juan de Onate. Became seat of Mission of San Gregorio, founded 1629 by Fray Francisco de Acevedo, who erected a large church and monastery, the walls of which are still standing. Mysterious glowing balls … Read moreAbo Mission, Investigation Report

My House of Old Things, Investigation Report

Because of one woman's dream that future generations might understand and study the frugal and pioneer beginnings of the West, the Museum known as "My House of Old Things" still brings tourists to Ancho from May until October. Jackie Straley Silvers was a descendent of the Straley family who homesteaded there the early part of … Read moreMy House of Old Things, Investigation Report

Ghost hunt, investigation of the Nellie Cashman’s Restaurant , Tombstone, AZ

Employees and patrons at this quaint restaurant have reported the presence of spirits dating back from the frontier days. The playful ghosts are blamed for moving objects and making crashing sounds.The people who own the restaurant do not believe that it is Nellie Cashman, the building's former owner. However, whoever haunts the building is very … Read moreGhost hunt, investigation of the Nellie Cashman’s Restaurant , Tombstone, AZ

Ancho Ghost Town, Investigation Report

The railroad and gold were often the beginnings of these towns. 1899 was Ancho's year of birth due to railroad and gold in the Jicarilla Mountains. But Ancho developed another product. A brick factory made cream colored bricks and were used on homes throughout central New Mexico. After the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire, … Read moreAncho Ghost Town, Investigation Report

Ghost hunt and investigation of the Wool warehouse Theater, Albuquerque, NM

According to the stories, an unidentified ghost of a man in a black suit haunts the backstage area and a certain table in this historic building. Built in 1929, the building lies in the old railroad district of Albuquerque. To view our report, click the link below. http://www.sgha.net/nm/woolwarehouse.pdf  

Watrous School, Investigation Report

About twenty miles from Las Vegas the highway dips into a beautiful and lush valley where trees abound. This is Watrous, New Mexico. The town is located at the confluence of the Sapello and Mora Rivers, whose headwaters are in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, the southern range of the Rockies. Originally designated as La … Read moreWatrous School, Investigation Report

Buie Park, Ghost Hunts and Investigations

Previous ghost hunts or investigations at this location: Six investigations have been performed at Buie Park. The first was in 1998, with follow-up investigations in 2000 and 2001. History Stamford is on U.S. Highway 277, State Highway 6, Farm roads 1420 and 2834, and the Burlington Northern Railroad in northern Jones County. Part of Stamford … Read moreBuie Park, Ghost Hunts and Investigations

Ghost hunt and Investigation at Dawson Cemetery

The cemetery of an old silver boomtown is haunted by the ghosts of miners killed in two tragic cave-ins. Do the miners killed in several accidents haunt this cemetery? Not quite. SGHA solves the mystery of the ghost lights. Click the link below to read our report. http://www.sgha.net/nm/Dawson.pdf

Investigation report on the paranormal claims occurring at White Rock Lake

The ghost of a woman in a white evening gown dripping with water has terrorized residents here for many years. She appears as a hitch-hiker along Garland road where it passes the lake. The spirit materializes as a pretty girl in an evening dress, drenched to the skin. She gives a certain address then disappears, … Read moreInvestigation report on the paranormal claims occurring at White Rock Lake

Dawson Cemetery, Investigation Report

Many people have reported feeling strange cold spots near certain graves on otherwise very hot days. These cold spots and other strange stories of male voices whispering words of warning and danger and moans. People also claim to see human-shaped patches of fog drifting through the area. These forms dissipate into the night air leaving … Read moreDawson Cemetery, Investigation Report