KiMO Theater Investigation

One of the most famous haunts in Albuquerque is the KiMo Theater. A young boy named Bobby Darnall died when a boiler exploded in 1951. The cast and crews of production companies performing at the theater claim that the ghost of Bobby will pull a variety of tricks to sabotage their performances if they do … Read moreKiMO Theater Investigation

Ghost hunt and investigation of the KiMo Theater, Albuquerque, NM

This historic theater in Albuquerque is believed to be haunted by several ghosts. The first is a little boy named Bobby who was killed when the hot water heater exploded. The second is a female apparition, seen roaming the halls wearing a bonnet. Nothing more is known of this ghostly presence, but seemingly she doesn't’t … Read moreGhost hunt and investigation of the KiMo Theater, Albuquerque, NM

La Fonda Hotel Investigation

   According to several sources, the hotel is haunted by several different apparitions. One is believed to be Judge Slough who is apparently prone to swooping through the hallways late in the evening. Also, there is also several reports of a man who walks through the dining room and jumps through the floor where the … Read moreLa Fonda Hotel Investigation

Manual Springer House, Albuquerque, NM (The ghost of Scarlet)

This old house, now the Covered Wagon shop, is rumored to be a former brothel. where a prostitute named Scarlet was murdered. According to legend, her ghost haunts the building but is this a haunting or simply a myth? Using critical thinking and historical research, SGHA debunks the ghost. To view our report, click the … Read moreManual Springer House, Albuquerque, NM (The ghost of Scarlet)

A Confederate Ghost in Old Town Albuquerque?

The reported phenomenon consists of an apparition that wears a long gray coat riding on horseback. The sounds of the phantom horse are reported to be heard as well. The Ghost Tour of Old Town calls this specter "Sarge". SGHA investigates to get to the bottom of the mystery. To view our report, click the … Read moreA Confederate Ghost in Old Town Albuquerque?

Quarai Mission, Investigation Report

Like Abó and Las Humanas, red walled Quarai was a thriving pueblo when Oñate first approached it in 1598 to "accept" its oath of allegiance to Spain. Three of Quarai's Spanish priests were head of the New Mexico Inquisition during the 1600s, including Fray Estevan de Perea, Custodian of the Franciscan order in the Salinas … Read moreQuarai Mission, Investigation Report

Abo Mission, Investigation Report

Abo State Monument. Ruins left by former tompiros division of the Pito Indians, on Arroyo Empedradillo. First mentioned in 1598 by Juan de Onate. Became seat of Mission of San Gregorio, founded 1629 by Fray Francisco de Acevedo, who erected a large church and monastery, the walls of which are still standing. Mysterious glowing balls … Read moreAbo Mission, Investigation Report

Ghost hunt and investigation of the Wool warehouse Theater, Albuquerque, NM

According to the stories, an unidentified ghost of a man in a black suit haunts the backstage area and a certain table in this historic building. Built in 1929, the building lies in the old railroad district of Albuquerque. To view our report, click the link below.  

Watrous School, Investigation Report

About twenty miles from Las Vegas the highway dips into a beautiful and lush valley where trees abound. This is Watrous, New Mexico. The town is located at the confluence of the Sapello and Mora Rivers, whose headwaters are in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, the southern range of the Rockies. Originally designated as La … Read moreWatrous School, Investigation Report

Ghost hunt and Investigation at Dawson Cemetery

The cemetery of an old silver boomtown is haunted by the ghosts of miners killed in two tragic cave-ins. Do the miners killed in several accidents haunt this cemetery? Not quite. SGHA solves the mystery of the ghost lights. Click the link below to read our report.

Dawson Cemetery, Investigation Report

Many people have reported feeling strange cold spots near certain graves on otherwise very hot days. These cold spots and other strange stories of male voices whispering words of warning and danger and moans. People also claim to see human-shaped patches of fog drifting through the area. These forms dissipate into the night air leaving … Read moreDawson Cemetery, Investigation Report

Ghost hunt / Investigation of the Capilla de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe Chapel, (Chapel in Old Town) Albuquerque, NM

A mysterious figure has often been seen seated in the chapel, weeping profusely for some unknown tragic loss. The ghost is dressed in a long black dress, her face concealed by a dark veil. She is often mistaken for a real person, and sometimes ignored, until she mysteriously vanishes. This stop on the Ghost Tour … Read moreGhost hunt / Investigation of the Capilla de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe Chapel, (Chapel in Old Town) Albuquerque, NM