Sir Oliver Lodge (1878 – 1955) : Paranormal Investigators of the Past

Oliver Lodge was born in 1851 at Penkhull in what is now Stoke-on-Trent, and educated at Adams' Grammar School, Newport, Shropshire. He was the …

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Sir William Crookes (1832 – 1919): Paranormal Investigators of the Past

From 1850 to 1854 he filled the position of assistant in the college, and soon embarked upon original work, not in organic chemistry where the …

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Dr. Walter Franklin Prince, Ph.D. (1863 – 1934): Paranormal Investigators of the Past

Prince was a friend to Harry Houdini and Hereward Carrington and they all had exposed the tricks of fraudulent mediums, however, unlike Houdini both…

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Seeking the supernatural: the Interactive Religious Experience Model

Although this paper applies to religious experiences, it can also be applied in a context to paranormal experiences. There is some very interesting …

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The first reported ghost story at La Placita in Old Town, Albuquerque

The first printed account of the La Placita Restaurant being haunted was recorded in the Albuquerque Tribune on May 27th, 1977. It was written by …

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Still having issues

However some of the content that used to be in our site is also listed in our founder's website so have a look.

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How do you investigate a haunting? (Slides from Presentation)

The Southwest Ghost Hunter's Association (SGHA) was created by five people. Two were very skeptical; two were hardcore believers and somewhere in …

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The Ghost seen by Lord Brougham

I have always been interested in the older ghost investigations as they provide an interesting insight, especially when compared to ghost …

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The History of Ghost Hunting (Slides from a presentation)

Today I thought that I would share the slides that I used to show when presenting the history of ghost hunting. It covers the beginning and eventual…

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Photos taken in 2004 at the St. James Hotel

Over the years I have been to the St. James Hotel at least two dozen times investigating the paranormal claims there. These are photos taken during …

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Harry Price, the first ghost hunter (video interview)

Harry Price was a British psychic researcher and author, in the early 1900s who gained public prominence for his investigations into psychical …

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Media Memories in the Southwest Ghost Hunter's Association

Bob, Bruce and myself discuss various memories about the media we have done over the past 35 years. the original video was aired on SGHA's YouTube …

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U-Rock Albuquerque, The Haunted KiMO Theater

In 2009, I was approached by Joey who wanted to scare his co-star Stevo on the Halloween episode of URock Albuquerque. I was doing a fundraiser for …

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Re-Investigating Un-Haunted Houses

Eight couples who had never experienced any ‘haunting’ activity in their houses and had no reason to expect they would experience ‘ghosts’ were …

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Why T.J. Wright (the ghost of room 18) cannot be haunting the St. James hotel.

First of all, and most importantly, T.J. Wright did not die at the St. James Hotel as the legends have suggested. While the 1880 census does show …

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