KiMO Theater Investigation

One of the most famous haunts in Albuquerque is the KiMo Theater. A young boy named Bobby Darnall died when a boiler exploded in 1951. The cast and crews of production companies performing at the theater claim that the ghost of Bobby will pull a variety of tricks to sabotage their performances if they do not leave doughnuts or some trinket to appease him before their shows.

It's a ghost story that has been told in numerous books and websites about haunted places. It is a tale that is regularly resurrected especially around Halloween, for newspapers, magazines, and television shows.

A pseudo-genesis story created a challenging investigation that presents a great example of how myth-building will change the elements of a ghost story over time.

SGHA has classified this case as "SOLVED" and closed it in November 2008. The elements that were investigated at the KiMo theater fail to meet the typical standards set forth by many parapsychologists.

   The first oddity is the "ghost" of Bobby. With his death being in 1951, why is the first recorded sighting happening in 1987? A common hypothesis that many ghost hunters would claim is that this is the result of the environment being disturbed and that "something" is stirred up because of the construction/renovation of the theater. If this were even plausible, then the "ghost" would have been active in 1960's as the stage was rebuilt after the fire that occurred in 1961. There are simply no such reports.

   Secondly, there are no veridical details in any of the witness reports or testimony. The details show that they are experiencing different things which makes the cause of the phenomena explainable. The lack of veridical witness accounts does not leave a significant argument to support any paranormal claims.

The final results and details of our ghost hunts and investigations at the KiMO Theater have been copyrighted by Cody Polston and placed in his book "New Mexico's Most Haunted: EXPOSED. The book may be purchased at the link below.

New Mexico's Most Haunted: Exposed


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