Cody Polston
(NM State Coordinator, Founder and President) Cody was born in Amarillo Texas. After high school, he briefly attended McMurray college in Abilene Texas before enlisting in the United States Air Force as a explosive ordinance disposal technician. During his military career, he furthered his education through the Community college of the Air Force obtaining a degree in Disaster Preparedness.
In 1985, Cody Polston became the founder and president of a paranormal research and investigational team known as the Southwest Ghost Hunters Association (SGHA). |
Its mission statement, in keeping with the man himself, is to investigate all possible explanations of areas that are associated with reported paranormal activities.
This is achieved by utilizing the scientific method of research and being open-minded to the results that may result, regardless of one's personal belief structure. A key founding member of the SGHA was a nuclear physicist with whom Polston became acquainted during his military career. Collaboration and continued association with the respected physicist expanded further upon Polston's previous education and experience in natural training programs associated with the functions of explosive ordnance disposal and work with nuclear weaponry that he was responsible for during his career in the United States Air Force. Theories of electromagnetism, frequencies and the like were brought to the foreground and realized for their importance in the forming and reforming of the organization's basic operating hypotheses. The first ten years of the SGHA's existence laid a solid foundation for how it continues to function and grow to date.
Since then he has appeared on numerous radio and television programs including Dead Famous (Biography Channel), Weird Travels (Travel Channel) and "In her Mother's Footsteps" (Lifetime Channel excusive).
He is the author of "Haunted New Mexico, the ghosts of Albuquerque" and the co-author of "The Complete Ghost Hunter, basic methods to advanced techniques". Cody currently works for the City of Socorro as a lab technician.
Bob Carter (SGHA Executive Assistant)
Bob has served as the Charter's Research Officer and as SGHA Vice President from 2001 to 2008. He has a bachelor's degree in Information Technology and has studied astrophysics at New Mexico Tech. He is an avid firearms and science geek that assisted in forming SGHA's branch of skeptics, SHIELD.
As Executive Assistant, he continues to advise the President and is an honorary member of the New Mexico Charter. |
Chris Fleming (Honorary Member)
Chris was Born in 1967, the son of Patricia Fleming and Blackhawks Hockey star Reggie Fleming. He attended Beloit College, located on the Wisconsin/Illinois border, where he majored in fine arts with a minor in psychology and also in music.
After years of listening to other people talk about their own amazing experiences, Chris chose to use his design experience to document these stories in his publication called Unknown Magazine : Real Experiences of Unusual Phenomena, which ran from spring of 1997 to early 2001. |
Chris was the co-host of the popular TV show Dead Famous , where he joined his co-host Gail Porter in searching for celebrity ghosts across the United States. The show was and still is broadcast in over fifteen countries. Chris has captured thousands of EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena), unexplainable photos, and video footage that he believes can prove the existence of ghosts.
After Dead Famous , Chris made a guest appearance on Sci-Fi's Ghost hunters during the Manson Murders episode that sparked a lot of controversy with the introduction of the K-II and Chris's method of communicating with the present intelligent energy. But when the dust settled and it was taken more seriously it became a pivotal point and a paradigm shift in the way investigating is done with EMF devices and electronic equipment. Allowing the ghost or spirit energy present to affect and manipulate the device as a form of morse code communication with YES or NO light up responses to direct temperature drops on the devices degree readings. The fact remains that responses are occurring and with startling results such as EVPs, photos, videos, and personal experiences have been documented to go along with the responses. This new form of communication called "The Direct Response Method" has opened up doors for engineers, scientists, and laymen to create the next generation of devices to allow this intelligent form of energy to communicate and respond through.
Rebecca Mann
(Director of Research & Development, Research Officer)
Becky earned her Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology, with additional coursework in World Religions, Ethics and Psychology. Previous educational specialties included sports medicine and certifications in emergency medicine and basic life support. Beginning in her teenage years and continuing well into adulthood, she has actively offered her services to her community via many volunteer efforts, including serving as a volunteer firefighter and emergency medical technician for a rural fire department,
assisting in CPR instruction to the general public, support staff for search and rescue units, providing basic medical care and first aid for events such as an annual pro-am rodeo, the International Balloon Fiesta and the New Mexico State Fair.
She is currently employed in the IT field as a systems specialist. Becky has been passionately dedicated to an eclectic mix of pastimes including genealogical research, history, science, literature and medicine since childhood. She continues to spend as much time as she is able pursuing these and other interests, such as authoring a non-fiction book and becoming a web designer.
Becky first learned of the Southwest Ghost Hunter's Association and its unique approach to paranormal investigations in 2004 when she and Bob Carter (former Vice President of SGHA) met in college. Never having had an interest in the paranormal before and highly skeptical of the subject matter, she felt herself drawn to the organization nonetheless. A firm believer that one must strive to understand the basics of both sides of an issue in order to argue a case either for or against it, Becky spent many hours learning from and debating with Carter and educating herself on the scientific hypotheses developed over the years by SGHA. Her hard-earned respect for Carter and founder, Cody Polston, led her to join the group in 2005 as a member of the SHIELD team and she also served for a time as New Mexico's SHIELD Officer. Shortly after joining, Carter passed on his position as Research Officer for the New Mexico charter to her, a duty she still fulfills. She has also assisted in coordinating, managing and implementing a number of fundraisers and conferences to benefit SGHA – NM. In addition to her service to her home charter as its Research Officer, Becky also holds a cross-charter position as SGHA's Director of Research and Development. While still skeptical that the phenomenon experienced and information captured during investigations is truly paranormal in nature, it is her aim to assist in the collection and trending of enough data to further research efforts in the field. She is confident that maintaining proper controls and scientific method is the only way to achieve such goals while maintaining SGHA's reputation and mission statement to prove or disprove the existence of paranormal activity.
Carl Shingleton (Operations Officer)
A long-time resident of Jacksonville, FL, Carl has had a life long obsession with the paranormal. His search for truth behind paranormal events eventually led him to SGHA. A horror movie fanatic and a experienced haunt builder, Carl also lends his expertise to our halloween fundraiser's and co-hosting Ecto Radio's "The Graveyard Shift".
His artistic nature is expressed through painting, drawing and tattoo artistry. Musical talents included several years as lead singer of a metal band. |
Carl became one of the Operation's Officers for New Mexico in 2008. His hobbies include military history, long-range rifle target shooting and paintball, horror movies and family.
Holly LaBeau (Operations Officer)
Holly is part of a rather science-minded family with a strong work ethic and brings those qualities to all of her endeavors. Her college path to date includes Liberal Arts coursework. She intends to supplement that with a strong background in the physical sciences as well in order to bring her to her goal of work in Forensic Analysis. Holly also enjoys the complexities and precision of music, especially opera – a genre that she enjoys participating in as a performer and as an aficionado. |
She finds great satisfaction in lending her talents to an array of benefit shows and more informal gatherings with friends.
Holly's curiosity in paranormal topics began at a very young age and has continued to grow over the years. She finds the equipment and theory of scientific investigations of particular interest to her, thus making her a natural fit to serve on both the Logistics team and the Operations team in SGHA.

James Cook (Logistics Officer)
Jim is a Law Enforcement Officer, in a career that has spanned more than 20 years to date. He is also a specialized instructor at the certificate level in multiple Law Enforcement subjects. He has extensive experience in investigations as well as surveillance. Jim has extensive experience in investigation and surveillance, He is also certified in electronics and computer repair.
Jim has a diverse assortment of hobbies to choose from, including forensic video analysis, photography and and computers, all of which he has been able to utilize since joining SGHA in 2008. |
He also enjoys archery and once combined his love of history and firearm skills as a member of the Single Action Shooting Society in New Mexico. He also brings his strong interpersonal, professional and leadership skills to the table in his key role on the SGHA NM Logistics team.

Wendy Jay
Wendy was born in Albuquerque and has lived in many different communities in New Mexico. She attended the University of Albuquerque and studied Theater under the auspices of Jim Morley. While Wendy possesses a strong background in all aspects of theatrical productions, both on and off stage, she also has training via her college coursework in Mass Communications. She has worked in theater both professionally and locally, and has been active with many local theaters and music venues around town. |
Wendy also works in low budget independent films. She currently is attending classes at the University of New Mexico. Wendy currently works at the University of New Mexico in the Neurology department in the School of Medicine.
Wendy has been interested in the paranormal most of her life. She has had diverse experiences in the theater world with unexplained phenomena and has joined SGHA in order to discover the scientific reasons behind some of this experienced phenomenon.

Audra Smith
Audra grew up in southern California, but also lived in Central Florida and Washington state before she found her way to Alamogordo in 2007. The art of photography drew her in from a young age, leading her to formally study it in both high school and college before making it her career path, winning numerous awards for her work along the way.
After enjoying a long-standing career as a photographer, Audra considers herself fortunate enough to once again blend yet another passion of hers with employment as she currently works as a chimpanzee sanctuary. She is very involved with animal welfare, volunteering her time and financial support whenever she can. |
Audra has been intrigued by the paranormal since her childhood and found herself drawn to SGHA and its scientific approach. She joined its ranks in 2008 and is pleased to incorporate her photography skills on investigations and specialized research projects.

Jennifer Johnson
Jennifer earned her Master's Degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Oklahoma. She has has a special interest in field ecology as evidenced by her career as a at the University of New Mexico as a Research Scientist in the Sevilleta Long-Term Research Project, where she also lends her expertise and organizational talents as the Coordinator of Undergraduate Studies.
In addition to the physical sciences, history, photography and the arts are also of interest to Jennifer, both in her studies as well as in her extracurricular pursuits. |
Jennifer joined the New Mexico charter of SGHA in 2008, blending her passions for science and history while energizing and inspiring her teammates. She is an integral part of the team, often drawing from her broad knowledge-base and experience in scientific method, scientific research and project planning to assist in various investigations, projects, conferences and fundraisers. In addition to her participation as an investigator, Jennifer also serves as a consulting member of the SAGE Research team.

Shannon BlueEyes
Shannon (A.K.A Blu) originally hails from Farmington, New Mexico, though she now calls Albuquerque her home. Her educational background has special focus in the culinary arts as alumni of the Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute . Blu has had extensive experience in the field and currently works as a chef and line trainer. She is dedicated to her family and friends and spends much of her spare time organizing, promoting and managing benefit shows for various organizations. |
Blu has long been interested in the mysteries surrounding reported paranormal activity and folklore, but approaches such matters from a skeptical point-of-view. She takes pride in her ability to be objective and thorough in her life, both in and out of SGHA. She joined the SHIELD team in 2009 and challenges herself to continually further her understanding of all possible explanations and theories in the paranormal realm.
